
An unusual hurdle in a difficult airway of a short statured kyphoscoliotic pregnant patient for upper segment caesarean section

A middle aged thirty seven and half weeks pregnant dwarf with sever thoracic kyphoscoliosis presented for elective caesarean section in view of cephalopelvic disproportion. She had an anticipated anatomical difficult airway. Investigations revealed bilateral basal lung atelectasis, tricuspid regurgitation and mild pulmonary hypertension. low dose spinal anaesthesia with supplemental epidural anaesthesia allowed successful performance of surgery. Supplemental oxygen via face mask was provided but a steady rise in end tidal carbon dioxide appeared to indicate an impending airway disaster.

A rare combination of giant angioleiomyoma in a myomatous uterus and serous cystadenoma of the left ovary

I report a rare case of giant angioleiomyoma located in the left uterine horn of myomatous uterus and serous cystadenoma of the left ovary discovered in a 36-year-old woman. Uterine angioleiomyoma is a unique variant of leiomyoma. It usually occurs in middle-aged women and is manifested by menorrhagia, abdominal pain, and abdominal mass. Serous tumors of the ovary are the most common of epithelial tumors. Combining two benign tumors in the small pelvis is a clinical and morphological challenge.

Assessment of vitamin d status in obese/overweight bangladeshi children

Aims and objective: Childhood obesity and vitamin D deficiency both are emerging health issues. Vitamin D is essential for normal growth and development and frequently found low in obese and overweight children. The aim this study was to assess serum vitamin D level, calcium, inorganic phosphate, alkaline phosphatase and parathormone (PTH) in obese and overweight children.

Periorbital cellulitis as a complication of chickenpox in a vaccinated patient: case report

Primary varicella infection in children is generally a mild disease. The incidences of infection, hospitalizations, and mortality have all declined since the introduction of the varicella vaccine. Chickenpox is highly contagious, with secondary household attack rates of >90 percent in susceptible individuals. Transmission occurs in susceptible hosts via contact with aerosolized droplets from nasopharyngeal secretions of an infected individual or by direct cutaneous contact with vesicle fluid from skin lesions.

Survey of non-communicable diseases and awareness of physical activity among the people

Background: The physical activity in teaching faculties is an important aspect to maintain good health. This not only prevents the various non - communicable diseases but also has role in secondary prevention of diseases. It is also proven that the growing epidemic of obesity mostly in children is linked to recent decline in physical activity levels both in home, school and working places. Social class is thought to have a bearing on physical activity. On basis of this, the survey was done to assess the physical activity levels in higher social class population. 

Pleural effusion cytology of metastatic papillary rcc mimicking papillary carcinoma of thyroid: an interesting case report

Malignant Pleural effusion in renal cell carcinoma is rare and pleural fluid cytology is necessary for its diagnosis. Though tumour cells are shed more in effusion fluid, good cytomorphology and clinical correlation are essential for accurate diagnosis. Here the author misinterpreted the malignant pleural effusion secondary to papillary renal cell carcinoma with that of papillary carcinoma of thyroid due to the presence of artifactual intra nuclear inclusion. Detailed clinical history and additional cell block section morphology helped to arrive at accurate diagnosis.

Role of clinical examination and pulse oximetry in screening for congenital heart disease in newborns

Background and objective: This study was designed to evaluate the effectiveness of routine postnatal clinical examination and pulse oximetry screening in detecting congenital  heart  disease  in  newborns. The  aim  of  this  study is  to determine  whether  a  pulse  oximetry  screening  combined  with  clinical examination is superior in the diagnosis of congenital heart disease to clinical examination alone.

Perception, perceptive disorder and its current aspect in pharma medicine

Perception in psychiatry can be defined as the analysis of sensory information within the brain, integration within the brain with or without effect of prior knowledge and to give response to surroundings. As we go through our day, we are surrounded by the rich stimuli of modern life and we rely heavily on our sight to inform us of where we are placed within this world. Various theory’s have been proposed to explain, what is perception.  Perception results from complex interactions among sensory and cognitive processes across hierarchical levels in the brain.

Present practice of washing by dhobi near ganga in varanasi

Background- Dhobi’s (washer man) traditional work gives them immunity for livelihood. But washing clothes also bear some health risks, particularly the skin problem. Traditional washing practice is also associated with pollution of water reservoirs specially river Ganga in case of Varanasi.
Methodology-The study was community based cross sectional study on men and women of dhobi (washer man) community present at the time of interview. Purposive sampling was used. Respondent were Dhobi (washer man) community of Ramnagar, a suburban area of Varanasi, India.

A comparative study of fine needle aspiration cytology (fnac), biochemical test, ultrasonogram (usg) and histopathological examination of thyroid swellings

Aim: To compare the diagnostic accuracy of preoperative Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology, Thyroid Function Test, Ultrasonography of thyroid swellings with post-operative Histopathological examination results.