Renal function alterations in patients with sars cov2 infection in a mexican population

Cortez Ruiz Martha Isabel, Ilescas Martinez Ivan,Ramirez Serrano Lilian Sarai, Clemente Herrera Adriana, Mejia Monroy Miguel, Paredes Fernandez Luis Fernando, Portillo Delgado Erika Maribel, Garcia Lopez Andrea Sarai, Oliva Ramirez Andrea Cindel

An observational, descriptive, cross-sectional and retrospective study carried out at the Dr. Enrique Cabrera General Hospital in Mexico City from April 1 to June 10, 2020, where patients with a confirmed infection by RT-PCR users of the service of emergencies that required hospitalization, paying specific attention to altered renal function.In our analysis we found that the mean age of the infected population was 52.53 years, being those of the oldest age who presented higher mortality, within the paraclinical tests performed Po2, lactate, leukocytes, lactic dehydrogenase, and C-reactive protein were parameters which were found to be elevated and associated with higher mortality. The values obtained for the glomerular filtration rate in patients, in general, were 85.84 ml/min / 1.73m2 by MDRD and 82.12 by CKD Epi, finding the greatest decrease in this in hypertensive patients with decreased GFR of 79.38 ml/min/1.73m2 per MDRD and 75.94 ml/min / 1.73m2 the findings observed in our population and the high differences in GFR in patients with COVID 19 are a variable highly associated with mortality after hospital admission, so it is necessary to pay more attention to this to modify its course.

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