Enhancing implant stability with osseodensification- a review

Smruti Lulla, Vidya Dodwad, Sachin B Magalekar, Sandeep Patil and Priyanka Vhanmane

Since the early days of dental implantology, osteotomies have been prepared using standard drills designed for use in industrial applications. These drill designs have proven to be functional for dental applications; implant success rates have been satisfactory over time but osteotomy preparation techniques have still been lacking for various reasons. Standard drill designs used in dental implantology are made to excavate bone to create room for the implant to be placed. Unlike these standard traditional dental drilling techniques, a new technique is introduced which does not excavate bone tissue. Rather, bone tissue is simultaneously compacted and auto-grafted in outwardly expanding directions from the osteotomy. This novel approach to hardware implantation, termed osseodensification, is introduced for the placement of endosteal implants to preserve bulk bone, increase primary stability through densification of the osteotomy walls. This review focuses on the new bone drilling concept,namely osseodensification and its advantages over the standard drilling and extraction drilling techniques.

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