Effectiveness of structural teaching program on knowledge about prevention of haemorrhoids among bus drivers in selected bus service at sri ganganagar, rajasthan

Balwant Ray and Madhusoodan

Introduction: According to National Health Interview Survey, about 3million people in the United States have frequent constipation. Haemorrhoids is believed by right to be one of the most widely spread human sufferings ranking first among disease of the rectum. According to the data of numerous study devoted to this problem, from 2.9% to, 27.9% of population of different countries from haemorrhoids. Most authors agree that men suffer more than women and that it is frequently increased with aging. A men asked for more medical care 1.5 times more often.(Rogazina VA,2002).
Material and Methods: Quantitative evaluative research approach and pre-experimental one group pre-test and post-test design is considered to evaluate the effectiveness of Structural teaching program on prevention of haemorrhoids among sample. The study was conducted on 30 bus drivers. Data was collected from August 2018 to December 2018.A Self-administered structured questionnaire was used to evaluate the effectiveness of Structural teaching program on prevention of haemorrhoids among bus drivers.
Result: The data revealed that, out of 30 sample minority (23%) belonged 45-65 years,11 samples (37%) belonged 35-44 years and 12 samples(40) belonged to 25-34 years. Regarding education, minority (3%) were post graduate, and majority (43%) were high school. About driving hours per day minority (20 %) were 18-21 hours, and majority (30%) were more than 21 hours per day. Among total years of driving experience, minority (7%) belonged less than 3 years, and majority (67%) belonged more than 8 years of driving experience. Related to distance covered on driving per day (Km), minority (3%) were 251-350 km, and majority (63%) were more than 450 km covered. Regarding fluid intake litre per day, minority (3%) belonged more than 5 litre, and majority (50%) belonged 2-3 litre intake of fluids. Related to source of meal during driving hours, minority (37%) were taken meal from house, majority (63%)were taken meal from hotel, knowledge about pre test among 30 samples, majority,(73.3%) had poor knowledge and minority (3.3%) had adequate knowledge regarding prevention of haemorrhoids. In post-test among 30 samples, minority (6.6%) had poor knowledge and majority (56.6%) had moderate knowledge regarding prevention of haemorrhoids. The paired ‘t’ values were found to be highly significant in all areas of knowledge at p< 0.05 level of significance. This indicates was significantly effective to improve the knowledge on prevention of haemorrhoids. Hence the research hypotheses H1 was accepted and H0 was rejected. Data also reveals that the calculated chi- square value was 22.5 , greater than the table value was 15.51, which indicates that there is a significant association between mean pre-test knowledge score and their education at P < 0.05 level of significance. Hence the alternative hypotheses H3(a) was accepted and statistical hypotheses H03 (a) was rejected. The calculated chi- square value was 14.79 , greater than the table value was 12.59, which indicates that there is a significant association between mean pre-test knowledge score and their total years of driving experience at P < 0.05 level of significance. Hence the alternative hypotheses H2 (b) was accepted and statistical hypotheses H02(b) was rejected.
Conclusion: After the detailed analysis of this study it shows that after exposure to planned nursing intervention, the group showed, adequate knowledge and practice was increased. This reveals that Structural teaching program was effective in improving the knowledge of the prevention of haemorrhoids.

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