Use of cell block study alongside fnac in diagnosis of thyroid lesions

Shone Thomas Babu and Hemalatha Ganapathy

This study was aimed at bringing forward the significance of cell-block study along with fine needle aspiration cytology in diagnosing various thyroid lesions. Patients with thyroid swellings were selected in the pathology department of SreeBalaji Medical College and hospital (SBMCH). A retrospective study was done for 30 patients in total. Comparison of cytological and histopathological results was done following the respective procedures. There were a total of 6 insufficient cases, which didn’t fit into the standard criteria for diagnosis. The following FNAC reports were made: 15 (50%) colloid goiter, 5 (16.7%) Hashimoto thyroiditis, 2 (6.7%) follicular neoplasm (without atypia), 2 (6.7%) follicular neoplasm (with atypia), 2 (6.7%) suspicious of malignancy, 3 (10%) papillary thyroid carcinoma, and 1 (3.3%) undefined category of thyroid carcinoma.. The sensitivity of FNAC against the histopathological results of cell-blocks was 92.6% and specificity was 97.4%.This study shows the importance of performing cell-block for each case of FNAC of thyroid lesions, thus making the diagnosis and management of thyroid lesions more effective

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