Umbilical cord blood gas values in pregnant women applied oxytocin and vaginal dinoprostone for labor induction

Muzaffer Temur ., Hese Cosar., Özgür Yılmaz., Pelin Özün Özbay., Tayfur Çift., Burak Akselim., Sibel Üstünel and Emin Üstünyurt

The current study aims to compare the umbilical cord blood gas parameters, neonatal and maternal outcomes in pregnant women induced with oxytocin and dinoprostone. Women at term with a Bishop score 4 and 6 were randomized into two groups to undergo induction of labor with either high-dose oxytocin administered intravenously (n = 93) or dinoprostone-only vaginal suppository without oxytocin augmentation (n = 93). The umbilical cord was clamped. Arterial blood gas values were evaluated in less than 30 minutes after sampling pH, base excess, pCO2, pO2 and HCO3 were measured.. APGAR scores were determined by a neonatologist at first and fifth minutes after birth. All resuscitated babies were either transferred to the NICU or the neonatology service. There were no significant differences in cesarean section and vaginal delivery rates between the oxytocin and dinoproston-only groups.(p > 0,05). There were no significant differences amongst oxytocin and dinoproston-only groups in terms of pH values, PCO2, HCO3, Base-E, lactate levels, number of parities,1-and 5-minute Apgar scores, and the need for neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). (p > 0,05). In colclusion, we suggest that under proper indicatons, oxytocin and dinoprostone have no adverse effects on perinatal outcomes and all umbilical cord blood gas parameteres.

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