A study to assess the prevalence and risk factor of diaper rashes and the effectiveness of structures teaching programme on diap

Dr.V.Hemavathy, Dr.Sathyalatha Sarathy, and A. Subbulakshmi,

New-born period comprise the first four weeks of extra uterine life. Newly born infants have distinctive skin structure, physiology so that the skin easily break, hence skin cleansing is essential to maintain good skin integrity of the new-born. Diapers have been used for care of babies since decades to prevent diaper area soiling and for social convenience. The diaper poses a risk of developing diaper rash. The microorganism mainly associated with severe instance of diaper rash is by Candida albinos. Diaper dermatitis is one of the widespread skin problems in new-born often caused by irritant that promote skin breakdown, such as moisture and fecal enzymes. It is reported that in tropics the incidence of diaper rash is higher as the region is hot To assess the pre-test knowledge of mothers of infants on diaper rash. Evaluative research approach and pre experimental one group pre- test and post- test was adopted for the study. The research setting was Sree Balaji Medical College and Hospital, Chrompet, Chennai-44 and sample size was 30 infants  mothers are selected by non-probability convenient sampling technique. In pre- test majority of the infants mothers reveals 15(50%) have inadequate knowledge, 9(30%) moderately adequate, 6(20%) adequate knowledge about diaper rashes. Reveals the post-test assessment score of the infants mother after the structure teaching programme on the diaper rashes. Regarding the post-test assessment, majority of the infants mother 3(10%) inadequate knowledge, 9(30%) gained moderately adequate, 18(60)% gained adequate knowledge. The pre-test mean score was 5.7 with standard deviation 2.95, and the post-test mean score was 15.2  with standard  deviation 3.66 the obtained paired 't' value 16.07 which reveals there was statistically highly significant difference between the pre-test and post-test at P <0.03

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