A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding pneumococcal vaccine among mothers of under- five children in sree balaji medical college and hospital at chrompet, chennai

Hemavathy V, Binipaul V.J and Jannet Susannal

Pneumococcal bacteria attacks different parts of the body, when it attacks lungs, it results in pneumonia; it causes bacteremia in blood and meningitis in brain. Under-five children prone to get pneumococcal infections from the community. Pneumococcal vaccination provides protection to children against most of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia and also other Pneumococcal diseases. A descriptive study, therefore, was undertaken to assess the knowledge of pneumococcal vaccine among mothers of under -five children, Chennai. The study samples consisted of 30 mothers of under- five children were selected using non randomized purposive sampling technique method. In order to assess their knowledge a self- structured questionnaire was developed. Self-made scoring system was used to categorize the participants as whether they haveadequate knowledge, moderately adequate knowledge or inadequate knowledge on pneumococcal vaccine. Result revealed thatthe mean value of pre- test knowledge score is 14.9 and post- test score is 19.6 and the obtained ‘t’ value is 5.3 statistically significant at 0.001. This indicates that the mean difference is 4.7 it is hypothesized that as there is significant in effectiveness in structured teaching programme regarding pneumococcal vaccine among mothers of under five children.

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