Our experiences in hip fractures

Ayhan Kaydu., Ebru Tarıkçı Kılıç., Erhan Gökçek., Ömer Fatih Şahin and Yakup Aksoy

OBJECTİVE: Hip fractures are usually seen in the elderly population associated with high mortality and morbidity. The purpose of this study is to analyze the mortality and morbidity; type of anesthetic technique and surgery applied to patients who underwent hip fracture surgery and admitted to intensive care unit postoperatively.
METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the patients data underwent hip replacement surgery and then monitored hemodynamically in the intensive care unit postoperatively between January 2015- January 2016 according to the demographic characteristics, co-morbidities, type of surgery, anaesthetic method chosen, preoperative laboratory findings, intraoperative complications, timing of the operation, length of stay in hospital, in the intensive care unit (ICU), duration of the operation, mortality, admission to intensive care unit.
RESULTS: The 14 among 34 patients were female, 20 were male and mean age was 73.2 ± 13.2 years. There were %47.05 ASA III, %35.29 ASA II, %17.6 ASA IV according to ASA classification. The average time to the operation was of 3.05 ± 2.43 days, ICU 's stay in an average of 3,29 ± 2.17 days, average length of stay in hospital 7.35 ± 6.03 days. The 32 patients with spinal anesthesia, 2 patient with general anesthesia were administered. Mean operation time was 78.67 minutes, 3 patients developed tachycardia and hypotension as complications of the surgery intraoperatively. The mortality rate was %5, 8 (2 patients). The surgical treatments were %64, 7 PFN (proximal femoral nail), 20.5% arthroplasty, %14.7 DHS (Dynamic hip screw).
CONCLUSION: In conclusion, we found that most of the patients were advanced aged male, spinal anesthesia applied as anesthetic technique and the most commonly used surgical treatment was PFN. For elderly hip fracture patients postoperative monitorization must be performed due to the high mortality and morbidity.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24327/23956429.ijcmpr20170208
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