The diagnostic tools and therapeutic interventions provided to children with autism spectrum disorder in yemen

Amani Qasim Ahmed AL-Ghashany and Saumya Chandra

The population of the Arab world exceeds 300 million. ASD is a new field in the Arab world. Al-Farsi et. al. (2011) ensured that the number of confirmed cases of ASD is unknown, and available reports suggest that the prevalence of ASD is 1.4, 29, and 59 per 10,000 children, respectively, in Oman, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia. The lower incidence of ASD might be due to the shortage of specialists to diagnose ASD properly and the lack of parents’ awareness to reorganize symptoms and seek diagnostic clarification. More importantly, scarcity in research evidence may have driven the limited recognition, understanding, and awareness of ASD in the Arab world. Yemen is one of the Arab countries where the ASD is a new field in diagnosis. The present study aimed to identify the diagnostic tools and therapeutic interventions provided to children with autism spectrum disorder in Yemen. Survey research design was considered as the suitable design and has been adopted in this study to attain the objective of the study. The researcher found that the target centers of ASD in Yemen depend on four tools to diagnose ASD which are Medical Report, Case Study, ABC and CARS-2 where medical report has 100% rate. On the other hand the target centers in Yemen adopted four main therapeutic interventions using with CwASD Treatment and Education of Autistic and Related Communication Handicapped Children (TEACCH), Individualized Educational Program (IEP), Sensory Integrated Therapy (SIT), and Portage Program. The researcher concluded that that medical report is the main tool used in the target centers to diagnose CwASD in Yemen while the researches has not yet revealed the factors of ASD which reflects a lack of awareness of diagnosing ASD in the target group in Yemen. The centers of ASD in Yemen have used TEACCH as a main therapeutic intervention with CwASD.

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