Background &Objectives: Uninvestigated dyspepsia is common in surgical out patient and in patient department. The prevalence of clinically significant upper gastrointestinal findings in adult uninvestigated dyspepsia patients and their predictability based on history is unknown. This clinic- pathological study was undertaken in Department of General Surgery, ESIC Medical College and Postgraduate Institute of Medical Science and Research Bengaluru, Karnataka to study the profile of upper GI endoscopy findings in dyspeptic patient with following objectives.
1) To study the clinical profile in dyspeptic patients.
2) The correlation of clinical profile and alarm symptoms with endoscopic finding
Methods: A total of 212 dyspeptic patients attending the OPD and admitted in Department of General Surgery were included in the study. This study conducted over period of one and half years. Patient who gave consent and willing to undergo Upper GI endoscopy included in the study. The endoscopies were performed and biopsies were taken from suspicious lesions.
Results: A total of 212 patients with dyspepsia had endoscopy. Among them126 are males and 86 are females. Mean age of study participants was 42.70±15.92 years. Maximum of these were in age groups between 25 to 55years accounting for 64.1%. the common presenting complaint was epigastric pain and discomfort, seen in 59(28%) of patients ,Most common alarm symptoms were vomiting accounting for 21%, followed by weight loss (17%) and GI bleed(12%). The endoscopy were normal in 22 (10%) patients. The abnormal findings included gastritis accounting for 27%, followed by duodenitis (21%) and grade1 esophagitis (18%). Combination lesions were seen in 27 cases. Most common risk factor for dyspepsia includes alcohol (38%), followed by smoking (34%) and pan chewing(26%).Incidence of malignancy is increase in patient with dyspepsia along with alarm symptoms. Most common carcinoma was carcinoma of esophagus (6%).
Interpretation &Conclusion: Dyspepsia is more common in males between age group of 25to55years of age. Endoscopic findings were abnormal in majority of patients with dyspepsia. The common abnormal findings included gastritis, esophagitis, and duodenitis. Alcohol and smoking are major risk factor. Dyspepsia with alarm symptoms increases risk of malignancy.
Upper GI endoscopy is a useful diagnostic modality in elucidation of the causes of dyspepsia.
Clinical profile of patients presenting with dyspepsia and its endoscopic correlations
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