Battle against dengue with batticaloa model, study conducted in teaching hospital batticaloa-srilanka

Umakanth M

Dengue is a recurring a major public health problem causing significant morbidity, mortality and economic loss in SriLanka. High index of suspicion, early diagnosis, close monitoring of the clinical and laboratory parameters and prompt intervention may help in reducing the mortality. This retrospective descriptive study was performed at Teaching Hospital Batticaloa situated in the eastern part of SriLanka. Data was collected over a period of six months from 1st of January to 30th of June 2017. This article outlines the clinical and laboratory profile of the last dengue outbreak in the Teaching Hospital Batticaloa and also highlights the important aspects of patients admitted over the recent dengue outbreak to Teaching hospital Batticaloa and highlights the important aspects of the “Batticaloa model” dengue management in Teaching hospital Batticaloa, SriLanka. According to this study, 3653 suspected dengue cases were admitted during the study periods. Even though, there are no dengue special units and limited intensive care facilities in this hospital, we managed most of the high risk dengue patient’s in general medical wards through the “Batticaloa Model” which means instead of high dependence unit (HDU), we made part of our ward as a HDU.

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