View on some approaches used in synthesized new ppar α, ppar γ and ppar δ agonists and their pharmacological evaluation

Abhishekkashyap and AbhishekAgarwal

Peroxisome prolifrated activated receptor (PPAR) belongs to the nuclear hormon receptor (NHR) Super family, three subtypes PPAR α, PPAR γ and PPARδ, for this receptor have been identified and found to be important target for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia, atherosclerosis,etc6.
Fibrates are used in the treatment of lipid abnormalities to decrease triglyceride (TG) levels and increase HDL- Cholesterol (HDL-C) level moderately. In many Intervention studies, fibrates showed beneficial effect in preventing the progression of atherosclerotic lesions and cardiovascular events in both non diabetic and diabetic patients. These effects are attributed to PPAR α activation, which enhance lipid catabolism, decreases TG by lowering apoC-III synthesis and increase HDL-C by induction of apoA-I, A-II.5
In the present review we are seeing some approaches used to synthesize PPAR α, PPAR γ as well as PPAR δ agonists and evaluation of their pharmacological effects.

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