Role Of Testosterone In Modification Of Ischemic Heart Disease

Tanveer A Khan*., Awais A Zaidi., Lubna Shakir., Mahtab A Khan2,., Arsalan Ali., Ayesha Hussain.,Muhammad Yousaf., Haroon Babar and Muhammad Ans

The objective of this study was to assess the testosterone role in modification of ischemic heart
disease. All subjects were male aged between 30 to 80 years. At the start of study, blood pressure,
serum testosterone, lipid profile and left ventricular function were recorded. Males who were at high
risk of cardiovascular disease have low endogenous testosterone level. The testosterone therapy,
250mg/2mlweekly (Intramuscularly) for six months was sufficient to lower the risk of further cardiac
complications by decreasing serum total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein and triglycerides levels
(p<0.0001) and showed improvement in high density lipoprotein and serum testosterone levels
(p<0.02). Moreover it has also ameliorated the Left Ventricular Function. The study concluded that
exogenous testosterone may be considered a valuable addition as a regular therapy in Ischemic Heart
Disease patients in order to codify their cardiac functions.

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