Lymphomas are malignant neoplasms of the lymphocyte cell lines. They are mainly divided as Hodgkin’s or non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL). Most patients are middle aged to older adults, with male preponderance. The cause of NHL is still unclear. Etiology can be viral (herpes) and immunological.
This report presents a case of 24 year old, male HIV negative patient with swelling on right side of the face and a growth in the lower right posterior region extending from retromandibular area to oropharynx since last 20 days. Clinical diagnosis of malignant neoplasm was given. Radiographic investigations as well as advanced investigation like 18F- FDG PET-CECT were performed. Histopathological examination and Immunohistochemical analysis of biopsy specimen gave a diagnosis of Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Distant metastasis was ruled out and appropriate Chemotherapy was initiated with successful remission of the lesion.
The importance of good clinical acumen in early diagnosis of disease cannot be overemphasized. The present case is a fitting example of importance of timely diagnosis and prompt treatment which proved to be life saving. Although, commonly associated with immunocompromised patient, especially AIDS, non-immunosuppressed patients of any age can also be affected.
Oral non- hodgkin’s lymphoma- a rare entity
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