Abstract: COVID 19 is affecting pediatric population less severely as compared to adult population has become a mystery during this pandemic.
The aim of this study was to describe the clinical characteristics and outcomes in COVID 19 patients in a tertiary care centre of Northern India with an objective of finding out among pediatric and adult population which group is more affected with COVID 19 and confirm the risk factors and its association with their clinical outcomes.
Methods: This observational retrospective study was conducted in Department of Medicine, Santosh Hospital, and Uttar Pradesh over 5 months (end May to October). 872 patients who were confirmed RTPCR positive of COVID 19 were included in the study. Age, sex, blood groups, co morbidities, need for high dependency unit ward admission, isolation ward or ICU admission were analyzed retrospectively.
Results: Mostly pediatric population was less severely affected amongst the COVID 19 patients. The co morbidities and the ward admissions did affect the clinical outcomes.
Conclusions: The results of present study suggest that while the adult population might have role in increased susceptibility to the COVID 19 infection, the pediatric population might be somewhat protective.
Mystery of this pandemic: adults v/s pediatrics, why are pediatric population less affected?
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