Comparative study of pci using dynamic coronary roadmap vs pci without using dynamic coronary roadmap on radiation dose, contrast volume and fluoroscopy time.

Dhammdeep Rahul Humane, Tirmale Rakesh, Rane Sandip, Rane Kavita, Rane Nandita, Desai Darshana

PTCA is widely practiced and has risks, but major procedural complications are rare.

Context: Dynamic Coronary Roadmap (DCR, Philips Healthcare, The Netherlands) is a novel technology that allows the users to see a moving roadmap of the coronary anatomy displayed on top of live fluoroscopy to provide guidance during navigation and positioning of devices.

Aims: Comparative study of PCI using dynamic coronary roadmap vs. PCI without using dynamic coronary roadmap on radiation dose, contrast volume and fluoroscopy time. Settings and Design: cross-sectional observational design was conducted in the tertiary care hospital.

Methods and Material: Three hundred and thirty-eight patients who underwent Percutaneous Coronary Angioplasty were enrolled. Patients were divided in DCR group and non DCR group. Statistical analysis used: Microsoft Excel and p value was calculated from online software.

Results: The 169 coronary angioplasty procedures performed with dynamic coronary roadmap resulted in a 2 % reduction in the average DAP compared with the 169 procedures performed without dynamic coronary roadmap.  DCR vs without DCR (DCR: 148.7+_ 11.6 Gycm2 vs. PCI without DCR: 151.4 +_ 12.3 Gycm2, p, 0.003). In the subgroup who had primary angioplasty, patients without DCR had a 7 % increase in the mean contrast volume (DCR: 65.8 +-6.8 vs. No DCR 70.5+-8.2, p, 0.01).

Conclusions: This study found the use of DCR imaging to impart a significantly lower radiation exposure to the patient, shorter procedural time and contrast volume.

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