In vitro reducing power property and pancreatic lipase inhibitory activity of laboratory made dasamoolarishtam

Narayanasamy A and Sudheer Mohammed M.M

Ayurveda comprises of various type of formulations with respective therapeutic values. The quality assurance of the final product is an important issue leading to the reduction of the popularity when compared to the western medicine. Single or combination of herbal formulations have been used longtime by humans. And their measurement of healing properties with the application of modern methods are inevitable in present days. Dasamoolarishtam is one of the most useful oral formulation prescribed in Ayurveda for various ailments and it possess variety of phytochemicals. The present study was aimed to find out the anti-oxidant and anti-obesity activities of Dasamoolarishtam sample prepared by direct ethanol solvent (DET) extraction with the comparison of marketed Dasamoolarishtam (MKT). Both the samples showed good results in reducing power ability and pancreatic lipase inhibition activities. However, the DET samples showed higher activity than MKT in both the studies. It was observed that absorbance value 0.788 ±0.100 in DET and 0.733 ±0.106 in MKT at 700nm in reducing power assay. IC50 value of DET was 31.09 ±3.14 µg/ml in pancreatic lipase effect which was observed as 38.58 ±2.80 µg/ml in MKT. The results were compared with respective reference compounds. The findings of the present study clearly states that the DET extract has comparatively promising results than MKT. Therefore, the present study recommended that the DET preparation could be a new source for the treatment of oxidative damage and obesity problems when it will be prepared as a medicine after the clinical evaluation.

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