A study of plasma homocysteine levels and electrocardiograph findings in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus without cardiovascular symptoms in a tertiary care hospital

Ramavath Raghu Ramuku Naik, Prashanth N and MJK Sowjanya

Background & objectives: our aim is to study the plasma homocysteine levels and ECG findings in patients with Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus without cardiovascular symptoms in a tertiary care Hospital. Our objective is to estimate FBS, PLBS, HbA1c and Lipid profile, to correlate the ECG changes with biochemical parameters, to correlate levels of plasma homocysteine with Lipid profile and HbA1c and ECG changes. Methods & materials: It is a Hospital-based cross sectional study conducted in 163 patients with Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus In medical wards of Sri Venkateswara medical College, Tirupati for a period of 1 year. Detailed History and physical examination are done on every patient, performed various investigations such as Fasting and post prandial blood sugar, serum creatinine, Lipid profile, plasma Homocysteine and ECG (12-Lead), ECG normal and abnormal changes and any other changes to detect signs of myocardial infarction in abnormal patients. Results: Most common age group is 60-69 years and most comprised in males. There is significant difference in gender wise and age wise distribution with duration of Diabetes, Cholesterol and triglycerides levels were normal in patients, most common ECG findings are T-inversions followed by LVH and ST-segment changes are recorded. Significant association between ECG with HbA1c, cholesterol, triglycerides and plasma homocysteine. Interpretations and conclusions: Our study concluded that plasma Homocysteine is an independent cardiovascular risk factor in diabetes patients, Diabetes patients with high HbA1c and plasma homocysteine levels are at greater risk of silent cardiac events and plasma homocysteine can be used as a surrogate marker in addition to ECG to screen for cardiac changes in diabetic patients.

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