A study of outcomes following cochlear implantation in children in a govt. programme - an indian experience

Dr. Rohit Mehrotra, Dr. Pankaj Srivastav, Dr. Anubhav, Rudresh Sharma, Ujjwal Mehrotra

Introduction: This retrospective study is based on assessment of outcome of cochlear implantation at  Late Dr.Shiv Nath  Mehrotra Charitable ENT foundation between 2016 to 2019 under ADIP(assistance to disable persons) scheme by taking into account various scoring systems like category of auditory performance (CAP), Speech intelligibility rating (SIR) and Glasgow children benefit inventory (GCBI).  
Materials and Methods: 300 children who were implanted between July 2016 – March  2019 at Late. Dr. Shiv Nath Mehrotra  Charitable ENT Foundation were included in the study. The results were analyzed using the above scoring system to assess the performance level and quality of life of each implanted children taking  into  consideration practical issues in Indian set up.  Results: 90% of total children implanted showed significant improved hearing, 80% with significant speech benefit and 90% with improved quality of life. Conclusion:  Outcome in terms of quality of life, auditory perception and rehabilitation was very good. The ADIP (assistance to disabled persons) scheme of central government has been a blessings for  lower socio economic status children. Considerable improvement in hearing, speech and overall quality of life in almost 80% of children.

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