Study of basal level parameters in various leukemias

Agte A.B, Gaikwad S.B, Dharwadkar S.M and Anshula G

The leukemias are best viewed as malignant neoplasia of white blood cells precursors. The present study is undertaken to evaluate the extent of changes in the biochemical parameters and their significance helps in the differential diagnosis of these diseases. The diagnosis of leukemia’s is confirmed by haematological and histological examinations. The various basal biochemical parameters in leukemia’s such as serum alkaline phosphatase and acid phosphatase, serum calcium, serum phosphorus and serum uric acid were estimated which are the basal level in various leukemias & are conducted in our biochemistry laboratory and requires no extra cost & can be performed in our daily routine investigation and thus will be helpful for further diagnosis of the disease.

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