Allergic rhinitis (AR) is a global health problem and the prevalence of AR continues to increase worldwide. Ginger (zingiberofficinaleroscoe) is used widely as a spice throughout the world. Ginger extracts have been reported to have high potential anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory activities. Aim of the study: To investigate the clinical efficacy of ginger extract in treating AR. Methods: A quasi – experiment study, 10 patients received ginger extract 500 mg. per day for 6 weeks. All patients were followed up at 3 week and 6 week for the evaluation of the efficacy by using total nasal symptom scores, rhinoconjunctivitis quality of life questionnaire and history taking for adverse events. Results: Ginger extract can reduced nasal symptoms and improve quality of life after taking ginger extract for three weeks with no serious adverse events. In addition, ginger has a tendency to treat the symptoms of allergic rhinitis as well.