Spectrum of lesions in endoscopic gastrointestinal biopsies - a retrospective study

Parvathi Pillai

Introduction: The gastrointestinal tract disorders are the commonly encountered problem in the clinical practise. Endoscopic biopsies form an important diagnostic modality to classify them into neoplastic and non neoplstic. The present study estimates the distribution of various gastrointestinal lesions with respect to age, sex and frequency of occurrence. Materials and Methods: A retrospective study conducted in three year period from September 2018 to September 2021. Hematoxylin and eosin slides from the pathology department was reviewed with appropriate clinical details and lesions were classified as neoplastic and non neoplastic. Observation and Results: A total of 410 cases were studied, most commonest were the non – neoplastic cases 286 (69.7%), neoplastic 124(30.24%) cases. In the neoplastic cases 73(17.8%) were benign and 51(12.4%) malignant. Most number of cases were observed during the age group of 60 to 70 yrs with 96(23.41%) cases followed by 50 to 60 yrs with 85(20.73%) cases. Least common age group was less than 20 yrs and above 80 yrs. In the present study the most common diagnosis was chronic non atrophic gastritis 153 (37.3%), followed by Non specific colitis 48 (11.7%).The next common diagnosis was adenocarcinoma 44(10.7%) cases, followed by adenoma with 41 (10%)cases The most commonest site biopsied is antrum with 201(49%) cases, followed by colon 100 (24.3%)cases. The commonest lesion biopsied from females are non neoplastic, and neoplastic in males. Conclusion: Histopathological evaluations play a crucial role in final diagnosis for appropriate patient management and follow up of cancerous and inflammatory conditions. Thus, GI endoscopic representative biopsy is relatively simple and minimally invasive procedure to obtain the tissue for histopathology and clinicopathological correlation of these lesions are helpful in early detection of malignancy, further therapeutic measures, and prognosis.

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