Sectional complete dentures for a patient with microstomia - a case report

M.sadish and P.prasanna

The branch of Prosthodontics is not only a science but also an art of handling patients who present with limitations in continuing with normal treatment plan.One such limitation is the difficulty in mouth opening of the patient due to various reasons like oral sub mucous fibrosis, TMJ ankylosis, scleroderma, Plummer-vinson syndrome, Rheumatism or damage of the masticatory muscles1,3,6. A maximal oral opening that is smaller than the size of the prosthesis needed for the patient makes prosthetic management challenging.
Prosthetic management of microstomia patients presents difficulties at every stages of the fabrication of a prosthesis, from the preliminary impression to insertion of the same. It requires various modification in  the impression trays, techniques, materials required and also the denture design4,5,7.  This article deals with treatment of a female patient with limited mouth opening due to oral submucous fibrosis, who was completely edentulous and was prosthetically treated with modification of techniques for impression making and jaw relation so that a complete denture was made in sections which could be easily inserted and removed without compromising retention and esthetics.


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