Introduction: The Unidad de vigilanciaepidemiológicaof the HCJIM (Hospital civil Juan I. Mechaca), registered in 2016 that the main cause of infections associated with health attention is the bacteremia with a 25% associated to catheters. In 2017, it was stated that 18% of the HAI (healthcare associated infections) were related to catheters, because of this mean the risks associated with the HAI on people with intravascular devices, installed by physician’s vs catheter clinic personnel. Methods and resources: Transversal study, analytical, observational. 335 registered with intravascular line; 101 installed by the catheter clinic and 234 by the medical personnel of the hospital. Analysis with mean of association OR (IC95%). Results: The risk by installation of devices associated to the HAI was 3.4 (IC95%1.47-7.75, p=0.00) higher with the physicians than with the catheter clinic personnel. Risk also rose with the number of days, in the 82% of cases enterobacteriaceae were isolated, where lethality was associated to candida spp. Conclusions: This study supports the evidence to the instalment capacitation programs and to the maintainment of the intravascular lines for the prevention of the HAI; highlighting the importance of the experience of the installer. The more days with the device the more risk of infection. The rate of the HAI was higher with the physicians that do not employ a maximum barrier, neither the checklist, in contrast to the catheter clinic personnel.