A randomized control trial for evaluation of implant stability, success rate and loading time with photofunctionalized dental implants in fresh extraction socket

Mayank Singh., Lakshya Kumar., U.S. Pal., Abhijeet Awasthi., Aditi Verma and Anwar

Purpose- Dental implants have become a predictable treatment option for restoring missing teeth. The use of dental implants in oral rehabilitation has currently been increasing since clinical studies with dental implant treatment have revealed successful outcomes. There are definite advantages of doing immediate implant i.e. saving time and money. The aim was to evalaute role of photofunctionalisation on enhanced implant stability or early rehabilitation.
Material And Method-the subjects were divided into two groups, in one group implant was placed without any intervention, in the second group , implant was placed with phoyofunctionalisation and use of PRP, the implant stability was checked with RFA, and subsequent bone loss was measured in radiographs in both the groups.
Result- In our study period we have placed implants in 99 subjects,out of which 60 implants placed in maxillary arch and 39 implants were placed in mandibular arch. Average loading time is decided on the basis of implant stability by measuring ISQ value which is 3 months in photofunctionalized treated implants placed in maxilla and 2.5 months in mandible as compared to average loading time in untreated implant which is 6 months.
Conclusion- With this study we have concluded that immediate implant with photofunctionalization had increased the implant stability with due time till the loading and also with the use of regenerative medicine like PRF at the time of placement & after 3 months with minimum invasive surgical techniques, ease of procedure and in shorter time duration.

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