The public’s awareness and concerns about coronavirus (covid-19) in india

Dr Swikruti Behera and Dr Ayaskant Sahoo

Introduction: Around the world, governments and health experts are scrambling to limit the spread of the novel Coronavirus which started in Wuhan China. This outbreak was declared a pandemic by WHO.
Aim: To estimate the level of public awareness and concerns regarding the spread of novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) in India.
Material & Methods: A web-based survey was done by sending questionnaire randomly over mail irrespective of age, gender and locality. The weblink was kept open for 1 week. This study was carried out in the 3rd week of March 2020. Study results were analysed using Microsoft excel software.
Results and Discussion: A total of 104 responses were received (45% were essential care providers).76% of the participants were aware about the pandemic and its effect.59% of the participants had acquired this knowledge on Covid -19 from television. 79 out of 104 participants were fearful about the health of self or family members. 88% members knew fever, cough and running nose to be the primary symptoms of Corona infection, which is correct. 82 % of the participants have changed their travel plans to avoid contamination. But only 48% participants are meticulously following hygiene protocols like handwash, coughing using a tissue, using mask if sick and social distancing. Only 60% are aware about the nearest testing centres. Lastly only 13.45 believed that Indian healthcare is well equipped to handle such pandemic whereas 48 % believed that Indian healthcare is not well equipped for the same.
Conclusion: The level of awareness was good among the study group with regard to the symptoms and mode of transmission. However, there were some lapses, lack of information and motivation, which we need to address in order to prevent and manage novel coronavirus pandemic and to further avoid any infection or pandemic of such scale.

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