Postmenopausal state –risk factors for metabolic syndrome

Neelima Saoji

There is clustering of cardiometabolic risk factors like physical inactivity,obesity,poor dietary factors,hypertension,insulin resistance,diabetes,dyslipidemia,& hypothyroidism in postmenopausal women, which has major impact on development of cardiovascular diseases(CVD) like hypertension,coronaryarterydisease,stroke& heart failure.
Menopause is actually another independent risk factor.Most of the effects are due to deficiency of estrogen making these women vulnerable to the hazards of CVD. Aging and these risk factors add to the burden of CVD.
Menopause is associated with emergence of metabolic syndrome characterised by central visceral obesity,shift towards atherogenic lipid profile,high BP& glucose intolerance with endothelial dysfunction leadingto coronary artery disease.
Women often have casual approach towards their health. They delay in seeking medical advice,lack of knowledge & societal attitudes leads to poorer outcomes,longer hospital stay which increases their cardiovascular mortality by 3-7 fold.
Most of the risk factors are modifiable.Regular screening can help in early detection & proper treatment.

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