Overweight awareness and prevalence of blood pressure, bmi in dental students

Dr jyoti Kiran kohli

 BMI: is  defined  as body mass index which is   value calculated  using height  and weight of the person . Obesity and overweight  in age around adolescence  are the global  problems  on the rise especially very common  in India. Prevention of obesity and  hypertension  in  young  age is  very  important to prevent  major problems like  cardiovascular diseases later.
Aim : Prevention  of obesity   is always  better  than its  treatment and carries a lot of importance about this in health workers( including  dental students ).Awareness of high risk factors  like  fast food , increased   carbonated  drink consumption ,watching television ,internet surfing  and lack of  outdoor activities is essential to prevent  overweight /obesity.
This study is done to know  awareness among these health groups  ( 1st year dental students)so that they can know  about this growing problem and  take  steps to prevent this and its sequalae  This study was  also done to measure blood pressure and BMI in dental students to find out  if there is any correlation  between  blood pressure and BMI in subjects and create awareness  in others also.
Material and Methods: This  was a cross-sectional study  and ethical clearance  was obtained  from ethical committee. The  subjects  for the study  were all  students of  1st year  BDS (Bachelor  of dental sciences ) course in a dental college. All students(101 out of 110) who gave informed consent , validated  predesigned questionnaire were used to interview these students .Height , weight and blood pressure was taken for these students and then data was  analysed for BMI calculation and  results.
Results and Observations: Out of 101 students , 72 were females  (71.2%) and  29 were males (28.7%).
In present study  ,total overweight  students  were 25.7% and  17.82%  were obese with BMI >30  and grade 1 obesity   while  1.9%  were of  grade  2 obesity.
Out of 101 only 40  students  i.e  39.6%  only are aware  of their Body mass index (BMI) while  61 were not conscious  /aware  of their BMI(60.4% ).80%  females  (32/40) are found  to be more aware  while males  were only 20%  aware (i.e. 8/40).
Blood pressure was taken in all students and 13 students  were found to be hypertensive ,out of which 5 were males and 8 were females.
Data comparison showed that BP indices found significantly high in overweight groups.
We found a highly significant association of BMI with blood pressure in our study. Also in our study only 35% students were found aware of obesity and its complications, females more  aware than males.
Conclusion: This study  also showed dental students  being overweight  and had suffered with  one of its sequelae like hypertension  too. This is attributed to their  lack of  awareness of overweight ,obesity  and its sequelae . This  is also  found  to be correlated  with  lack of physical  activity ,consumption  of junk food  , habbit  of  not consuming  breakfast  ,consuming  food  in canteen  and mess in dental students and related  to obesity  and overweight.
The problem of obesity is on rise  and there is  a definite  need to make  dental students aware  of good  eating habbits. Healthy  eating  ,regular  physical  exercise  and awareness of consequences  of obesity  helps them for their own  better   physical  and mental health .Their this knowledge also helps in guiding their patients for controlling their  obesity and thus  contributing  to prevent  growing pandemic of this disease in the society.


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