Background: Metabolic changes are known to occur in early stages of an acute myocardial infarction. It is rarely severe and could contribute to the development of dysrhythmias. The objective of the present study was to ascertain the acid base status in patients of acute myocardial infarction admitted in intensive care unit.
Method: 50 patient of acute myocardial infarction diagnosed by Physician & confirmed by the Physician were selected and investigated by collection of blood sample for arterial blood gas analysis. Informed written consent was taken from each patient in their known language.
Results: Metabolic acidosis was seen in majority of cases i.e. PH level < 7.35 was 50 %
(3 out of 6), while pH level 7.35 to 7.45 was 19.4(7 out of 36) and pH level > 7.45 was 12.5%
(1 out of 8) & P value was significant (0.3). Whereas mortality in patients with bicarbonate level less than 22meq/lit seen in 33.33% while in bicarbonate level 22-26meq/lit was 20.58% bicarbonate level > 26meq/lit was 14.28% and showed significant p value (0.13).
Conclusion: There is a definite metabolic disturbance i.e. in acid-base balance early stages of AMI as metabolic acidosis.