The incidence of candidemia among patients receiving total parenteral nutrition (tpn): a single-center study

Hani A. Jawa, Anoud R. Omer, Daniah S. Allail, Abrar A. Tayeb, Dalia A. Felemban, Dalia El-Hosaary and Anees A. Sindi

Objective: Hospitalized patients receiving Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) are at risk of developing several nosocomial infections, and namely candidemia. This study aimed to estimate this incidence in single center in Saudi Arabia, and to explore potential risk factors.
Methods: A retrospective review including all patients admitted to King Abdulaziz University Hospital in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, between 2014 and 2015, and who were on TPN.
Results: One hundred and sixteen patients were included in this study. Male patients constituted (62.1%), and with a mean age of (55.6 ± 18.4) years. The incidence of candidemia was (11.2%). TPN duration was significantly longer in patients who tested positive for candidemia (26.1±21.2 days), when compared to those who tested negative (14.2±11.7 days; P = 0.002). Regarding risk factors; a history of solid organ malignancy, or being on corticosteroids prior to TPN wereboth significantly associated with being positive for candidemia (P=0.004 & P=0.019, respectively).
Conclusion: Hospitalized patients receiving TPN are at risk of candidemia, especially those on prolonged TPN or those on corticosteroids. Patients on TPN should be managed by a specialized and dedicated nutritional support team.


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