Hypertensive encephalopathy as a complication of acute diffuse glomerulonephritis post-stestrecoccal: case report in pediatrics

Marcella Lopes Abitbol, Fabrícia Louzada Depizzol Vito Sobrinho, Rafaela Monique Mendonça de Barros, Juliana Vieira de Oliveira Brasil, Laís Viana Lopes Sato, Mário Jorge dos Santos Noel Filho, Renata da Silva Almeida and Romulo Novellino

Acute diffuse glomerulonephritis has as a most frequent cause in pediatrics, infection by hemolytic β Streptococcus of Group A. Of patients with post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis, 95% evolve well with or without treatment and few present serious complications during the condition. The objective of this report is to provide a pediatric case of acute diffuse glomerulonephritis post infectious by Streptococcus pyogenes that evolved with complications of hypertensive encephalopathy. It is of paramount importance to pay attention to post-streptococcal glomerulonephrites, because even though most evolve satisfactorily, there is the possibility of more aggravating complications related to the pressure uncontrollable ness of patients.

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