Histopathological spectrum of prostatic lesions & association with psa values: a hospital based study

Thilaga T and Mary Lilly

Introduction: Prostate gland is an exocrine gland and the largest accessory reproductive organ in male. It is the most commonly affected organs in males with increasing age accounting for significant morbidity & mortality. This study was done over a period of one year retrospectively in our department of pathology, Sree Balaji medical college & hospital in the TURP Specimens received in our department.
Result: We studied in TURP specimens receive in our department. Age of the patients ranged from 40 years to 90 years with the mean age of 55 years. Prostatic cancer was most commonly seen in 7th decade. Benign hyperplasia of prostate was the most common clinical diagnosis. Most common clinical presentation was increase in frequency of micturation.
Conclusion: Benign lesions are more common than malignant lesions. Maximum patients who were affected were in 6th decade presenting with increasing frequency of micturation. PSA values shows lack of specificity in prostatic cancer is a limitation as a tumour marker.

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