Gluten and casein free diet and training strategies of developing receptive language skills among children with autism spectrum disorders

Amani Qasim Ahmed AL-Gashany and Saumya Chandra

This study aimed to investigate “Gluten and Casein Free Diet and Training Strategies of Developing Receptive Language skills among Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders”. The study employed a survey design to achieve the objective of the study. Eighty literature reviews have been collected from several sources i.e. multidisciplinary journals, books (India & Abroad), conference proceedings and authentic websites. Studies were gathered by using publish or perish software program. The studies covered three areas i.e. Studies related to the receptive language of CwASD, Review studies from Biology & Microbiology view point and Studies related to technique and strategies used with CwASD. The study found that Discrete Trial Teaching (DTT) and Incidental Teaching Strategy (ITS) are the most common strategies used in developing receptive language and social communication skills, there is a serious argument among researchers about the effectiveness of casein- and gluten-free diet strategy in relieving symptoms of autism and increasing the ability to focus and pay attention. The study recommended that following a diet free of gluten and casein for a long period of not less than nine months can lead to effective results in the development of language skills and the ability to focus and attention.

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