Fnac of breast lump-a retrospective study

Bejoy Chand Banerjee, Dr. Raj Kumar Prasad, Chandra Shekhar Suman and Rajni Sinha

Introduction-Breast lump is a common complaint in women of all ages associated with a great anxiety & fear of underlying malignancy. Various diagnostic methods have been developed but FNAC is an ideal & popular procedure for evaluation of breast lump.
Materials & methods - A hospital based retrospective study was conducted over a period of 2 years from October 2016 to September 2018. Materials obtained from FNAC were used for preparation of smears. The air-dried smear and wet-fixed smear were stained with Giemsa stain and rapid Pap stain respectively.
Result - In a total of 161 cases of breast lump studied, fibroadenoma (85/52.79%) was the most common breast lump followed by fibrocystic disease(32/19.87%) &nonspecific mastitis/abscess (27/16.77%). Malignancy was found in 5.59% cases. The age group more commonly involved was 21-30 years (56/34.78%) & 31-40 years (48/29.81%) with more lump in right breast & upper-outer quadrant.
Conclusion - FNAC is rapid, effective & repeatable method for primary categorisation of breast lump which avoids the unnecessary surgical intervention.

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