A case of carcinoma involving the hard palate and maxilla

Rosen Tsolov, Georgi Yordanov

Squamous cell carcinoma of the gingiva accounts for 6% to 10% of squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity. Due to the small thickness of the gingiva, the tumor easily infiltrates the underlying bone and can spread to the periodontal ligament, the floor of the oral cavity, the cheek or the palate. In edentulous jaws, the tumor may more easily invade the alveolar nerve or infiltrate the maxillary sinus. In the present article we consider a case of a patient who is admitted for treatment in the clinic of maxillofacial surgery, with a formation covering the hard palate and the gingiva of the upper jaw on the right. After taking material for histological examination, the patient was diagnosed with highly differentiated keratinized squamous cell carcinoma. Laterally, the tumor is in peripheral contact with the right pterygoid muscles. Bone osteolysis-destruction of the posterior part of the floor of the right maxillary sinus and the right half of the hard palate is observed, no suspicious lymph nodes are found. Surgical treatment was performed.

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