Assess the knowledge and practice of person diagnosed with hypertension and its management

Sejal U Rabari, Drashti Patel, Hinal Desai, Janvi J Patel, Bhumika Patel, Nidhee Gohil, Yesha Patel, Reena kunkana and Khushbu Rathod

Health is one of the most important and cherished values in all person. It has been estimated that among people suffer from at least one illness in India. The estimated number of adults living with high blood pressure globally was 972 million of which two-third live in Villages and nearly half of them in a poor condition. This problem ranges from absence of sufficient income and social security to support themselves, ill-health and loss of social role and recognition. Statement of problem :“A Study to assess the knowledge and practice of person diagnosed with hypertension and its management in selected Villages of PHC, Sarbhon, Bardoli, Surat, Gujarat” Objectives: 1. To assess the knowledge of person diagnosed with hypertension and its management. 2. To assess the practice of person diagnosed with hypertension and its management. 3. To find out the correlation between knowledge and practice of person diagnosed with hypertension and its management. 4. To find out the association between knowledge and practice of person diagnosed with hypertension regarding its management with their selected socio-demographic variables. Research Methodology: Quantitative approach and descriptive survey design was used to conduct the study. A total number of 80 persons were selected by using convenient sampling technique and using questionnaires and daily activity checklist, data was collected. Result: Out of 80 samples, 60% of person having good knowledge, 31.1% of person having average knowledge and 8.8% of person having poor knowledge regarding hypertension and its management. Out of 80 samples, 65% person follows the practices for management of hypertension and 35% person not follow the practice for management of hypertension. Out of 80 samples, correlation between knowledge and practice shared moderately positive correlation. Type of family and knowledge had significant association where as other variables did not have significance. Association between gender and practice score of samples was significant at 0.05, level of significance. In rest of all cases there is no association with the practice score of persons diagnosed with hypertension. Conclusion: The finding of this study indicated that most of the samples had good knowledge and practice regarding hypertension and its management. However education, guidance and counseling are mandatory for the person diagnosed with hypertension to improve their quality of life.

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