Aim: To review the literature for evidence based understanding of the application of marine components and bioactives and its significant role in the field of dentistry. This review paper highlights the potential use of bioactive material and molecules from their marine origin to their application in the dental arena.
Background: Marine organisms are exemplary bio-resources that have extensive possibilities in supporting and facilitating development of human tissue substitutes. Marine bioactives are emerging as analysts are finding new applications for them in medicine. Bioactive materials and molecules having significant therapeutic benefits in drug delivery, stem cell therapy, cancer therapy, thrombotic diseases and cosmetic surgery in biomedical. Some of dental therapies like Pulp-capping, Root Canal Therapy (RCT) with bioactive molecules are recent clinical applications. Some natural ceramics, such as calcium hydroxide, spontaneously bond to living bone. This challenges us to explore marine resources more, than just the dietary aspect, as marine medicines have the capacity to sustain humans. Compounds isolated from marine organisms have antimicrobial, antiviral, antitumor and anti-inflammatory potential
Conclusion: Marine organisms have the potential to integrate itself with human tissue and promotes regeneration and healing. Chitosan, bio-adhesives, tissue regeneration gels, calcium hydroxyapatite, gypsum and algal extracts are marine resources exploited in the field of dentistry. It suggests that they possess sophisticated structures, architectures and biomaterial designs that are still difficult to replicate using synthetic processes, so far. This paper helps us better understand the various marine components that can be beneficial to the field of dentistry in particular.