A comparative clinical study of kanamula churna and shirodhara with chakra taila in cases of anidra

Jaya Kala Saklani and Singhai Swapnil

Anidra is a disorder where the sufferer complains of loss of sleep during its natural time i.e. night. It has been classified under Vata Nanatmaj Vyadhi. Vata plays a key role in producing Anidra. Vata being Satva Rajo Guna Pradhana and Laghu, is quite opposite to the factors inducing sleep e.g. Kapha which is Guru, Manda and Tamoguna Pradhana. Thus, both being diametrically opposite are the causative factors for Nidra (Kapha) and Anidra (Vata). Ayurvedic classics also implicate Pitta as an adjuvant cause in the pathogenesis of Anidra. Pitta is Satva Rajas Guna Pradhana. Thus, it also constitutes of the elements opposite to the Tamah Guna and is instrumental in causing Anidra. A simultaneous Kshaya (decrease in Kapha) accentuates the process. All these factors work at the physiological level to produce Anidra. The Chikitsa sutra of Anidra carries three main measures, Shamana of the vitiated Vata, enhancing the Kapha and putting Manah to peace. Vata Nashana procedures include Snehana in the form of Abhyanga, Tarpan, Dhara. Kapha is enhanced by using Vrinhana, Balya, Rasayana Ahara and Vihara. Manasik Santap can be relieved by using measures for mental relaxation e.g. Shauch, Santosh, Ishwar Pranidhana. Eleven months of intensive trial and study yielded encouraging results. 80-85% patients reported complete relief from the disease, while others had considerable respite. There were no adverse effects as reported by the patients and drug was tolerated quite well. None of the patients reported addiction or dependence and there was no craving after the drug was stopped.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24327/23956429.ijcmpr20170252
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