Introduction: Adenomyosis is defined as presence of endometrial glands and stroma in the uterine myometrium. It can be diffuse or focal. Diffuse form is commonly seen while focal adenomyotic cyst is a rare entity. Recent development of high quality imaging modalities and minimally invasive techniques such as hysteroscopy has enabled the clinicians to diagnose the disease in the office setting. Hysteroscopy not only help in its diagnosis but also its simultaneous management.
Case series: Authors here are presenting a case series of focal adenomyotic cyst diagnosed hysteroscopically over a period of eight years. Total 1173 women underwent hysteroscopy over this time period, of which nine cases of adenomyotic cyst were found. Of these nine women, six presented with primary infertility, one presented with secondary infertility and two of them came with complaint of abnormal uterine bleeding. Range of age presentation was 23-35 years. Among these nine cases, hysteroscopy revealed adenomyotic cyst which was excised at the same sitting with either 5 Fr scissors or resectoscope.
Conclusion: On conclusion, adenomyotic cyst is a rare form of adenomyosis with incidence found here is 0.76%. However now-a-days, more women are being diagnosed with adenomyotic cyst due to advance age at first pregnancy and availability of better imaging modalities and minimally invasive techniques. Thus via these cases, authors would like to highlight the role of hysteroscopy in diagnosis and management of adenomyotic cyst. The authors hereby are reporting the first ever case series with nine such cases in this age group, all managed hysteroscopically.