Extremotolerant isolate PRS2 and antimetabolite producer, identified as Gram negative curved
haloalkalophiles mesophilic strain, isolated from Port Said salt marsh, Egypt. Strain PRS2 grows at
temperatures ranges from 15–37°C, pHs 6.0–10.5 and salinities range 3.0–28.5 % NaCl (w/v). Non
carbohydrate fermented except little growth with glucose and fructose. Euclidean distance was 90%
between isolate PRS2 varity and Halomonas variabilis- Phylum Proteobacteria Deltaproteo bacteria
and genus Halomonas. Effect of different pH values and NaCl concentration on antimetabolite
production using E.coli organism were carried out. Highly anti metabolite production under
12%NaCl and between pHs ranges from 8 to 11. Inhibation clearing zone (ICZ) was measured using
concentrated antimetabolite alone and conjugated withcopper and selenium nanoparticles. The ICZ
values were done against various seven gram positive bacterial strains , six gram negative strains and
seven fungal strains. Antimicrobial activity showed excellent resultsagainst all the clinical pathogens.
Generally though the effect of selenium nanoparticles pluse anti metabolite were found to be
excellent more pronounced against various pathogenic microbe ranged from25.6±12mm to 33±
1.5mm.Followed by the inhibitory effect of selenium single ranged from23.0 ± 1.2mm to26.4 ±
0.63mm.The effect of copper nanoparticles pluse anti metabolite against microbial pathogen ranged
from 17.6±0.58mm to 25.6±0.63mm. While nanocopper particles single and antimetabolite single
exhibits moderate results against microbial pathogen. ranged from 13.4+1.5mm
to21.4±0.63mmand17.3± 0.78mm to24.6± 0.82mm respectively.
Comparative antimicrobial study using nanocopper,nanoselenium and anti metabolite produced from curved halomonas variabilis-prs2strain isolated from port said salt marsh, egypt
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