Using android technology in education in medical sector in syria

Khaled Omar

Information and communication technology is a principal driver in our Information Society of which the immediate consequences for educational practice can be observed. Following this evolution, several authors have mentioned the need to shift from the traditional classroom setting, where the student is seen as a passive consumer of educational knowledge, to a classroom in which learners are considered active participants and where collaboration and sharing information in a resource-rich environment is given precedence. To advance this shift and the necessary educational reform, hardware and software developers promote new technological tools, and more specifically tablet devices, as magic devices. These tablets are more narrowly defined by the New Media Consortium in 2012 as iPads, Windows -or Android devices, i.e. small, wireless, mobile personal computers which have finger-driven touch screens and are backed-up by diverse applications in a well-provisioned application marketplace
This paper aims to develop a new methodology which is place unrelated and it provides support for clinical students teaching in medicine college, and help people in finding the required doctors in a simple process and quick time, this methodology is based on Android devices which are become day by day more popular and easy to use. Our developed Android application provides students with shared information and provides people with the basic services about medical healthcare doctors information,

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