Use of intravenous iron sucrose therapy for anaemia in pregnancy

Chaitra Ramachandra ., Rekha. N., Roopa.N.K ., Shankaregowda and Nirupama.Y.S

Aim: To test the efficacy and safety of Intravenous Iron Sucrose therapy in pregnant women with anaemia.

Material and method: A total of 212 pregnant women with Hemoglob in (Hb) 6-8.6g/dl were prospectively given  intravenous sucrose iron therapy between September 2014 to February 2016. All the patients were underwent  Hemoglob in levels, MCV, MCH, MCHC, Serum iron levelsm, Serum Ferritin levels and Reticulocyte counts before therapy and repeated at 3rd week, 6th week after the therapy. The relative changes in these parameters were analysed. The relevant statistical analysis were done using SPSS software version 16.

Results: Out of 200 patients majority of the patients 92 were in the age group of 18-22 years and 78 women were in 28-32 weeks of gestation. The level of Mean Hb (g %), Serum Iron (ng/dl), Serum Ferritin level (µg/l), Reticulocute counts (%) , MCV (fl), MCH (pg) and  MCHC (g/dl) were 8.80±0.61g (%),11.5±3.90 (ng/dl), 1.50±0.50(%),67.45±4.0(fl), 22.1±1.9(pg) and26.2±1.5(g/dl) before tansfusion; 8.80±0.61(g %), 49.94±9.3 (ng/dl),21.23±8.00 (ng/dl), 4.8±2.1(%),78.4±4.5 (fl), 26.34±3.4 (pg) and 33.54±3.3 (g/dl) at 3 week post therapy (p<0.001) ; 9.61±0.80(g %), 58.41±10.11 (ng/dl), 30.34±10.23 (ng/dl), 5.2±1.8(%),82.34±2.3 (fl), 36.87±2.9 (pg) and 42.44±3.4 (g/dl)(p<0.001) at 6 weeks post therapy respectively. No patients were developed severe adverse reaction during therapy.

Conclusion: Intravenous iron sucrose therapy is effective and safe in treating moderate anaemia in pregnant women.


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