Unexpected complications during femtosecond-laser assisted cataract surgery: a case report

Zagari M., Zagari S., Urso M and Meduri A

A 46 year old man with cataract had FLACS under topical anesthesia in his left eye. Anterior capsulotomy and lens fragmentation were planned with femtolaser platform. The laser signaled to correctly have completed all the planned phases, but the procedure hid some unexpected complications. The images of the treatment summary showed the presence of a bubble between suction ring and the sclera, indicating a suction loss, moreover capsulotomy was only in part performed and the grid pattern intended to defragment the lens nucleus was partially impressed on the cornea. During phacoemulsification a large posterior capsular tear whit vitreous loss was highlighted. Anterior vitrectomy was performed and a 3-pieces IOL was implanted in the ciliary sulcus. One day postoperatively, the corrected distance visual acuity was 20/20. The grid impressed into the cornea was completely resolved.

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