Introduction: HIV infection targets the immune system and decrease the CD4 count. Anaemia, granulocyte disorders and thrombocytopenia are the most common manifestation of HIV infection.
Objective: Objectives of this study was to see haematological abnormalities in HIV infected patients and correlate these with the CD4 cell counts.
Material and methods: 100 HIV positive cases were taken and were divided into Group-I, II and III according to CD4 count. Haematological profile of these cases was ascertained.
Results: Prevalence of anaemia was most common manifestation. Anaemia was present in 76%, leucopoenia 21% and thrombocytopenia in 21%. There was lymphopenia in 54% and neutropenia in 3 %. Prevalence of Anaemia, lymphopenia and thrombocytopenia increased with decrease in CD4 count.
Conclusion: Haematological Abnormalities are common in HIV infected patients. They should be investigated and treated accordingly to reduce morbidity and mortality.
Study of haematological profile in hiv patients in correlation to cd4 count
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