A study to explore the correlation of dihydrotestosterone with prostate specific antigen in patients of benign hyperplasia of prostate and prostatic carcinoma in patients attending a tertiary care hospital in eastern india

Atrayee roy Chowdhury., Sharmistha Chatterjee., Mousumi Mukhopadhyay and Biswajit Majumder

Background: Prostate specific antigen (PSA) is the most common tumor marker used for screening of prostatic carcinoma. It is also increased in benign prostatic hyperplasia (BHP).
Aims: The aim of the study is to investigate the relation among PSA and dihydrotestosterone (extracted separately from the transition zone and peripheral zone) in patients of BHP and Ca Prostate.
Materials and Method: Clinically diagnosed and histologically proven cases of BHP and early cases of prostatic Carcinoma, in the age group of 55 to 85 years free of other co-morbidities, were included as cases in the study. Serum testosterone, PSA, FBS, PPBS, urea, creatinine, total protein, albumin, globulin, liver enzymes, complete blood count along with DHT (extracted separately from the transition zone and peripheral zone) were estimated and the data was statistically analysed.
Results: The tissue level of DHT shows significant correlation with serum PSA level in case of BHP when data from transition zone is taken into account (p=0.0004) and in case of prostate carcinoma when data from peripheral zone of prostate is used (P <0.0001).
Conclusion: Thus, prostatic tissue level of 5α-DHT in a zone wise manner may be further explored as a potential marker in order to predict future development of prostate carcinoma in the diagnostic “gray-zone”.

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