A study to assess the level of knowledge regarding prevention of conginetal anomalies among antenatal mother at pallavaram primary heath center chennai

L. Aswini and V .Hemavathy

Congenital anomalies is abnormalities of structure Present at birth and attribute to faulty development structural abnormality may result from Malformation, deformation and disruption. Congenital anomalies have a great emotional and physical impact on their mother and the unborn child. Development of modern techniques of ultra-sonograms Magnetic resonance imaging, Amniocentesis, chorionic villi biopsy and portentous umbilical blood sampling which have at least aided in the prenatal diagnosis and has avoided unnecessary operations, false hopes to the mother and embarrassment to the obstetrician. Majority of moderate knowledge 18 (60%), in adequate 7 (33%) and Adequate 5 (17%).

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24327/23956429.ijcmpr20170238
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