Surgical science has been the most important part of medical science since ancient era. There are three parts of any surgical procedure-pre operative measures, operative procedure and post operative care. Success or failure of operative procedure totally depends on these parts. Sterilization is one of the important procedures in surgical practice which is the process of killing/destroying/freeing an article, a surface or a medium of all micro-organism along with their spores. Improper sterilization leads to complications like infection, impaired wound healing etc. In ancient Ayurved text various surgical procedures are mentioned along with various methods of sterilization e.g. vranitagar, sutikagar, kumaragar, kashaya, dhupana, parishekah, agnitapana, rakshoghna karma etc .The measures, procedures and drugs which are used for sterilization and disinfection possess anti microbial properties without affecting natural flora. We can get various references of sterilization near about in all ayurved texts.