Shiva gutika-a critical approach to its pharmacological action

Adithya. P. R., Abhaya Kumar Mishra., Arun Mohanan and Ramesh. N. V

Ayurveda the science of life guides every human being to maintain and promote health, and prevent ailments. Shivagutika has been mentioned in Ashtanga sangraha in Rasayanavidhana that Lord Shiva has given this formulation for the treatment of prameha to his son Lord Ganesha. Shivagutika with Shilajathu as its main ingredient not only for prameha it cures all most all disease that effect the body. The specific observation confirms, Shivagutika as enhancing vyadhikshamatva property (Immunity) as superior to other formulations. It can be given to diseases of Pranavaha Srotas (Respiratory System), Annavaha Srotas (Gastrointestinal Tract), Purisavaha Srotas (Excretory System), Rasavaha Srotas and Raktavaha Srotas (Haematological).Shilajathu has Kashaya(astringent), Amlarasa (sour taste), Katu vipaka (pungent in biotransformation), Anushnaseetaveerya (not too cold in potency). It is used as Yogavaha as it increases efficacy of other drugs. The Shivagutika contains Brimhana (Nourishment),Deepana (stimulation of digestive power), Pachana(digestive), Anulomana, Jwaraghna, Kusthaghna drugs etc. Apart from this some drugs in Shivagutika have kaphavata shamaka property. Thus, exclusive remedies should be explored to uproot the disease, or else the potent medicines for effective control over the dreadful diseases.Shivagutika is a Shamana treatment, administered orally for a long duration is said to be very effective in combating the multi system involvement of the disease. If it is taken for two years it further enhance life span and alleviates all disorders. There is a great scope of research to find out management with long lasting effect, to treat the entire feature complex with single regimen.

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