Role of diet and yoga in management of anorectal disorders

Upasana Priya, MS. Shalya Tantra and Ranjit Singh, MS. Shalya Tantra

In the present modern era, everyday one is bound to cope up with the busy, hectic and stressful schedule leading to many lifestyle disorders thereby hampering the quality and span of life. These diseases are directly related to disturbed and mismanaged food habits. The most common of these are the Anorectal diseases which are common in human being due to erect posture and habitat. Ano-rectal disorders are progressively increasing in the society due to regular consumption of junk food, fast food, spicy food and low fiber diet. Acharyas have also mentioned these diseases namely Arsha, Bhagandar, Guda bhramsha and enumerated Guda vikaar next to Udarroga as the root cause for both diseases is Mandagni. Ahitkar Aahaar-Vihaar aggravates doshas which get lodged in the blocked anal region causing Anorectal disorders. In Ayurveda, the main aim is to prevent constipation, correct and ignite our Agni along with detoxification of body as “Sarveroga Malayatanani”. It is need of the time that we must follow the dietary regimen and yogasana mentioned by Acharyas in samhitas to get rid of them. This will maintain our normal metabolic activity and make us healthy. The present study shows importance of diet and yoga in the management of ano rectal disorders.

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